For Long Term Horizon
If you are saving for long term say more than 5 years, then to let your money grow faster, you should put at least a portion of your money in equity mutual funds. That will let you save for retirement and as well as for children’s education etc.
For Medium Term Horizon
This class is suitable for those who do not need access to their money for a period of one to five years. As this time horizon leave behind limited time to recover from a market downturn, caution still remains a factor. Balanced Funds and Income Funds are a good option to look forward to.
For Short Term Horizon
For purposes of investing, the best mutual fund investments for the short term are those that have no restrictions and focus on very low risk investments (such as money market funds). In this section, short-term investing is taken to mean a year or less which allows for very little time to recover from losses.