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Sales Agent

An individual, firm, corporate or other entity appointed by the Management Company to identify, solicit and assist investors in investing in the scheme.

Sales Load

The sales charge or commission not exceeding 5% of the net asset value, which may be included in the Offer Price of certain classes of Units or deducted from the Net Asset Value in order to determine the Redemption Price of certain classes of Units.

SECP Commission

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, established under section 3 of the Securities and Exchange commission of Pakistan Act, 1997.


Completing a trade between brokers acting as agents or between a salesperson and the client. A trade is settled when the required payment is made for securities purchased or the correct documentation has been delivered and the client receives the proceeds from the sale.


Part of equity ownership in a corporation.

Shareholders' Equity

Ownership interest of common and preferred stockholders in a company. That is, it represents the difference between the assets and liabilities of a company.

Shariah Advisor

Means an Islamic Financial Institution, an Islamic scholar or a body of Islamic scholars, appointed in its place by the Pension Fund Manager with the approval of the Commission, having knowledge of Islamic finance, to supervise and monitor the activities of the Pension Fund to ensure that all its activities comply with Shariah.

Shariah Compliant

Shall mean any activity that is in accordance with the Islamic Shariah, as may be advised to the Pension Fund Manager by Shariah Advisor.

Shariah Compliant Fund

These funds invest in securities which are shariah compliant.

Shariah or Islamic Shariah

Means divine guidance as given by the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and embodies all aspects of the Islamic faith.

Short Selling

Sale by an investor of borrowed shares, obtained through a broker. The investor's expectation is that the market price of the security will decline in value and that the shares will be repurchased at a lower price (cover his/ her short position), and thus make a profit.


(1) The difference between the bid and ask price of a security.

(2) The difference in yields between two bonds or debentures.

(3) The buying and selling of puts or calls on the same underlying security, but with different strike prices and/ or expiration dates.

Stock Broker

A securities firm or an employee of such a firm who is licensed to trade securities. The broker does not own the securities that are bought or sold, but acts as an agent for the buyer or seller and charges a commission for the service.

Stock Exchange

Means Karachi Stock Exchange, Lahore Stock Exchange, Islamabad Stock Exchange or any other stock exchange registered under section 5 of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance.


Means a collective investment sub-scheme of a specified investment class and/or investment policy set up within the overall Pension Fund. The Deposited Property shall be accounted for and segregated with respect to each Sub-Fund.

Subscription Day

Means every Business Day provided that the Management Company may with the prior written consent of the Trustee and upon giving not less than seven days’ notice in at least one newspaper, either English or Urdu, declare any particular Business Day not to be a Subscription Day.

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