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Earnings made from an investment in the form of interest or dividend income.

Income Fund

A mutual fund whose primary investment objective is regular income. Examples include money market funds, mortgage funds, bond funds and dividend funds.

Income Statement

A financial statement issued by a company showing its revenues and expenses over a given period of time, usually a year, resulting in either a profit or a loss.

Independent Director

A director of an investment fund who is not a partner, officer, director, employee or shareholder of its underwriter or investment advisor.

Individual Pension Account

Means a distinct account being maintained in the name of each Participant with the Pension Fund Manager to record his investments and the Units of Sub-Funds as issued there against including appreciations thereof.


The general rise in the price of goods and services in the economy.

Initial Investment

The minimum initial investment for all the Atlas Funds is Rs.5, 000.

Initial Price

Means the price per Unit during the initial offering period determined by the Management Company.

Initial Public Offering (IPO)

The first public issues of shares by a corporation that has not previously traded publicly in the financial markets.

Institutional Investor

An organization, often a collection of professional investors, whose primary objective is to invest its own capital (assets) or that of those whose interest it represents. It generally buys and sells in large volumes. Examples include pension funds, investment companies, banks and life insurance companies.


Payments made by a borrower to lenders for the use of their money for a period of time.

Interest Income

Income earned on fixed-income investments treated as ordinary earned income and taxed fully at an individual's marginal tax rate.

Interest Rate Risk

See Risk.

Investment Objective

The investment goal of an investor. The three primary investment objectives of an investor are safety, income and growth. Two secondary investment objectives are tax minimization and liquidity.


An individual whose principal concern is to invest in an asset or security or set of securities with minimal risk.


A term used to describe securities or investments.

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