Set your goals, plan your mix, start investing by learning the basics of investing.
Need help in learning the fundamentals of mutual funds? Here’s the place to start.
Read on if you are new to pension funds or looking into saving for retirement.
A complete resource that will explain what REITs are, & how they are operated in Pakistan.
Learn the basics of Leasing companies or you could end up paying more than you expected.
Make intelligent use of your money and let go of any confusions regarding Investment Banks.
Give yourself a head start on all the financial advice you can get on Capital Market.
Understand the core phenomena behind investing in Bonds and make your investments secured.
Learn how you can diversify your investment portfolio by investing in shares.
A general look at some of the things you should know before investing in Futures market.
While you think you're adequately protected, here’s what you should know about Insurance.
Discover what Islamic financing products complying with Shariah have to offer.
Whether building your nest egg or tapping it for income, always know your privileges!
This is JamaPunji’s financial guide to help you make sense of all the financial jargons.
Jamapunji - An initiative of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. NIC Building, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad. 44000, Pakistan.
0800 88008
DISCLAIMER: Please be informed that “Jamapunji” is an investor education initiative of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. We do not sell or recommend any investment product. Jamapunji main purpose is to educate and aware public enabling them to avoid scams and frauds in financial market.